Articles / Bathrooms / General News / Media / Violence

Christina Sforza’s experience

Blogger RachelPhilPa linked both to my post about Ian Harvie’s bathroom experience and a YouTube video of Christina Sforza describing her assault by the manager of the McDonalds on Fifth Avenue and 34th Street (which I also reported). The video was taken a year later and nothing has been done. Sforza’s story is very disturbing. I admire her courage for pursuing justice after that kind of treatment.

Last year I emailed the staff of Council Speaker Quinn (the McDonald’s in question is in her district) and got some encouraging responses. This Amnesty International report says that Quinn’s intervention allowed Sforza to file a complaint (it’s not clear whether against the manager or the police officers). However, I have not heard anything since last year. The report also gives contact information for Commissioner Kelly, an advisor to District Attorney Morgenthau and Speaker Quinn.

1 Comment

  1. I knew Christine and the amount of discrimination both face in NYC in fact it was her advocacy to help me return back to Canada to fight for my citizenship, and crimes committed by my spouse which involves both of the US, NY, NYC and Canadian Govt. I am still waiting 4 years later for legal status before I can file police reports to get my ID Replaced, divorce my spouse file criminal charges so the US can charge my spouse. This another story that needs to be reported

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