General News / Media

Sam de Brito on cross-dressing

Metafilter featured this interesting blog sponsored by the Sydney Morning Herald (and apparently named after this Nick Lowe song). The guy may be a jerk, but he’s got some valuable insights, I think. He did one of those “non-TG journalist cross-dresses for science!” pieces, which is more interesting than it might sound. I was also impressed with how sensitive he was to trans people. Also, he hooks up with a woman while cross-dressed, which (although not unheard of), is pretty cool.

  1. My life as a woman
  2. My life as a woman: in the beginning
  3. On the town: Samantha gets lucky
  4. Samantha: getting deeper, getting out

(Bonus YouTube link in case you were wondering what Nick Lowe looks like when he’s really singing and playing – although I’ve never seen anyone play a bass with a pick before. The guitarist and drummer are pretty sharp too.)